Your car’s shocks and struts keep it from bouncing down our Northeast Ohio roads, especially over rough patches and holes. Shocks and struts are different, but they serve the same purpose. Shocks are less complex and they are smaller. They are a single cylinder positioned in the open. They are used to cushion the motion of leaf springs in a car.
Struts are much larger, and they are more complex. They are set in, surrounded by the coil spring. With their size, weight and complexity, they are the more expensive of the two types of motion dampeners. Our technicians at Chardon Square Auto & Tire know which your car needs and will change it for you if needed.
Faulty shocks and struts can cause steering instability. In fact, a car with bad shocks and struts can become so unmanageable that it is unsafe to drive. You can imagine what all that bouncing can do to the tread of your tires. The tread wears prematurely and unevenly. Bad struts and shocks can cause many parts of the car to fail before their time.